For more information 703-472-7688

What happens if you die unexpectedly?  
Who will take care of your kids?

Your Child Needs a Protection Plan

Don’t Leave Their Future In Someone Else’s Hands.  Get The Information You Need to Protect Your Child Today.

Yes Paul!

Please give me instant access 
to your Guide.

Dear Friend,

Attorney Paul Samakow here.

At times, I must counsel survivors of terrible accidents—men and women living through their own personal nightmares.    

One I’ll never forget—a family driving down the road—struck by an 18-wheeler.  The mom and dad were instantly killed. Their seven-year-old daughter survived. 

As I worked on this claim, I watched her relatives fight over who she’d live with and who had her best interest in mind.

I remember thinking of the double tragedy this young girl was being put through. First with the loss of her parents and now having her relatives fighting over her. 

I often thought of her parents and how distraught they’d be if they somehow knew what their daughter was being forced to endure.

No child should have to go through this. 

If tragedy were to strike you down today…

  • Who will take care of your kids?
  • If you’re not there, will your children be raised according to your values?
  • What financial arrangements do you need to ensure their needs are met now and in the future?

Having a Child Protection Plan in place is one of the most loving and responsible things you can do for your kids.  

You’re about to discover how easy it can be to make sure YOU DECIDE who takes care of your children if something happens to you. 

Gain peace of mind, knowing that your children will never be taken out of your home and into the arms of strangers while the authorities try to sort things out.  Make sure they are cared for by the person you choose and in the manner you want. 

How to Know if Downloading and Reading This 
Immediately is Right for You…

If you love your children…If you want what’s best for them at all times, even if you are not there…If you wish to secure their future and ensure they always have everything they need and every advantage you can give them…If you currently have a Will but are unsure it will be enough to properly protect and care for your minor children, then you need to download and read every word.    

If you have any questions or concerns or if you know you’re ready to get started, please send me an email at [email protected], text or call at 703-472-7688.

I’m here to help in every way I can.


Attorney Paul Samakow

Your next step couldn’t be easier.

The Law Office of Paul A. Samakow, P.C. | 703-472-7688 |